Value Investing in equities
- Proven method for generating long-term returns – buying a dollar for fifty cents never goes out of fashion
- Invest in and hold companies only when trading at a discount to underlying earnings, cash flows and assets
Search for inefficiencies
- All-cap fund with no size, sector or geography restrictions. Our flexibility is ideal to seize opportunities within SMBs
Independent research
- Independent research on all companies we invest in, as attractive investment cases are uncovered through fundamental research
- We are not afraid of going against market sentiment and consensus, and we are willing to invest in out of favor sectors and companies
Focused portfolio
- Portfolio typically consists of 15 - 25 companies spread across various industries
Identify quality
- Value is Holmen’s core, but great investment happen when value and quality intersects
- High returns on equity using little or no debt, shareholder friendly management, durable free cash flows and high barriers to entry